On Wednesday, May 15th, the Process Safety (PS) Congress will take place for the ninth time in Dordrecht.

Ninth Edition Process Safety Congress

May 07, 2024

On Wednesday, May 15th, the Process Safety (PS) Congress will take place for the ninth time in Dordrecht. Technical safety specialists and managers from various companies operating processes with hazardous chemicals will come together to learn from each other and to network. The dialogues are enriched by presentations from industry specialists. DEKRA is a sponsor of the PS Congress and will be represented with a booth. We hope to meet you at the networking forum of this event. You can register online at PScongres.nl.

PS Congress background

Process safety, the management of processes with hazardous chemicals, has received increasing attention over the years. The aim of this conference is to strengthen the process safety culture by networking and by sharing knowledge. During the year the individual companies are strongly internally focussed, while learning together speeds up the process. To do so, world class speakers and interesting topics are selected to share experience and learnings.
Further a network forum supports the knowledge exchange at individual level. The process safety conference is aimed at the technical safety specialists, managers and inspectors that are related to companies that are dealing with hazardous chemical processes.


The audience of the event in Dordrecht mainly consists of: employees of companies with risks for major accidents, suppliers to the process industry, inspection services, and employees of universities and knowledge institutions. Various speakers will be presenting. DEKRA will be represented with a booth. You can see the full day program below.
Download the brochure of PS Congress here​.