Results of research indicate the need for revisions

ISO decides to revise ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

Sep 21, 2023

The ISO committees for Quality Management (ISO/TC176) and Environmental Management (ISO/TC207) both decided at the end of July to adapt ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 respectively. Both adjustments are the result of research that the committees have conducted in recent years into the need to revise the standard. In 2020, the decision was made not to revise the standard for both standards. However, the preceding vote also included a large number of voters who were in favor of adjustment. Based on the research conducted by the committees, it has now been decided to adjust the standard for both standards. The content and changes will differ per standard.

ISO 9001 revision

TC176 decided on a limited revision. Based on the design specification, the final changes to the standard will be determined by the members of ISO. It is expected that the standard will be adapted based on the Harmonized Structure, the successor to the High Level Structure (HLS), published in 2021. This sets out the general principles and structure of standards for system certification. Some substantive aspects that may be implemented in the revision are: clarification of the concept of 'risks and opportunities', the requirements for 'documented information' and supply chain management. The first discussions about the substantive adjustments are planned for October 2023 and the revision is expected to take 2 to 3 years.

ISO 14001 revision

TC207 ultimately decided on a so-called amendment. The revision of ISO 14001 therefore goes less far than the amendment of ISO 9001. An amendment, a supplement, to ISO 14001 will be developed for ISO 14001. It is the intention that some substantive changes will be made as a result of the application of the new Harmonized Structure. But in addition, attention will only be paid to clarifying a number of requirements and topics. Initially by improving the explanation of the requirements in Annex A of ISO 14001. If this is insufficient, it can be decided to adjust the formulation of the requirements in the standard itself, but retaining the original intention. It is expected that ISO 14001 with amendments will be ready for publication by mid-2025.