frequently asked questions about personal certification
DEKRA Audit Netherlands

Find your answers to the most frequently asked questions about personal certification STIPEL here.

Frequently asked questions personal certifications STIPEL

STIPEL has decided to terminate its cooperation agreements with certification bodies such as DEKRA. These agreements will be formally terminated by May 8, 2024 at the latest. STIPEL is entering into new cooperation agreements with exam institutions to continue person certification from STIPEL itself as of May 8.
As of May 1, 2024, certificate data will be transferred from DEKRA to STIPEL. All certificate holders have entered into certification agreements with DEKRA for taking the exams. In this you have given permission to be included in the STIPEL register. This is important for the transfer of data to STIPEL.
DEKRA will not transfer data about you and your certification status to STIPEL if DEKRA has not received your consent. This applies at least to exams taken before 1-1-2022.
Certificate holders holding a personal certification with an accreditation logo from the Accreditation Council have received a personal message from us by e-mail.
We understand that the news raises any questions. On this page you will find the most frequently asked questions. Would you like more information? You can contact STIPEL directly at the following link .
When will my DEKRA certificate be taken over by STIPEL?
As of May 1, 2024, STIPEL will take over DEKRA's certificates. Important condition is that DEKRA has permission from the certificate holder to do so.
I have given permission to DEKRA to be included in the STIPEL register. What action do I need to take?
What happens to my current certificate after May 1, 2024?
I have a certificate with accreditation logo. What will happen to my certificate?
I have not received a personal message from DEKRA about taking over my personal certificate.
I don't remember if I gave permission to be included in the STIPEL register. What now?
I have not given permission to be included in the STIPEL register. What happens to my current certificate that is still valid after May 8, 2024?
My certificate expires before May 8, 2024 and I plan to obtain a new person certificate. How do I arrange this?
Can I still get a duplicate of my DEKRA certificate after May 1, 2024?
My personal data has changed. To whom should I report this?
Will DEKRA continue with personal certification?