DEKRA Audit Netherlands
Certainty about sustainability: various audits in support of the circular economy

DEKRA Audit Netherlands
Certainty about sustainability: various audits in support of the circular economy
Circular Economy
Certainty on the sustainability of your business processes
As they aim for sustainability, growing numbers of organizations are operating in accordance with the principle of the circular economy. This means implementing reusable raw materials in their processes. Does your company operate in accordance with the circular economy principle? Then DEKRA will help you to demonstrate this through audits.
There are several advantages to having your company work in accordance with circular economy principles. Among these is that you are working actively towards a cleaner environment and lower carbon emissions. Your company is also less dependent on non-reusable raw materials like petroleum, natural gas and coal.
DEKRA’s audits provide insights into your organization’s circularity performance. They also yield information on possible areas for circularity improvement.
DEKRA is your sustainable partner providing you with valuable insights. Alongside audits, you can also engage DEKRA for
sustainability certification​.
DEKRA’s experts are always up to date on the latest developments in auditing circular working.
DEKRA conducts a range of audits for circular working. Read just which audits we offer below, and which are relevant to you.
Entry verification
Does your company supply renewable energy? That means you are required to register this in the Energy for Transport Register, after which these ‘entries’ are verified by an accredited firm. This lets you show that your organization complies with the law.
NTA8080 | Better Biomass
Does your company use biomass to generate energy? Then you are required to demonstrate the sustainability of this biomass. In the audit DEKRA’s expert determines whether your organization does indeed meet the requirements.
Double-counting verification
Companies in the transportation sector are required to draw at least 10% of their energy supply from renewable energy sources. Certain biofuels count double in calculating these requirements. As a verifier, DEKRA can confirm that your organization does indeed meet the conditions for the double-counting scheme, thus demonstrating your compliance with the guidelines.
ISCC Corsia | Renewable energy
Does your organization produce or trade aviation fuel? The ISCC Corsia certificate lets you show that your aviation fuel is renewable. Your organization must first be audited to acquire it. DEKRA’s experts offer the ISCC Corsia audit, resulting in a certificate which underpins your organization’s sustainability claim.
ISCC Plus | Sustainable products or materials
An ISCC Plus certificate is proof that your organization uses renewable and sustainable raw materials. It also guarantees that we can verify the origin of these auxiliary materials. A DEKRA audit provides insights into whether you do indeed meet the ISCC Plus requirements.
ISCC EU | Renewable energy
The ISCC EU is a voluntary certification, demonstrating that your organization complies with ecological and social guidelines during the production of biomass and/or biofuel. On request, DEKRA’s auditors can check whether you qualify for the ISCC EU certificate.
Read more about the
ISCC certificate
The importance of audits for circular working
The certificates NTA8080, ISCC EU, ISCC PLUS, ISCC Corsia, verification double counting and entry verification, show that a company meets specific circular working requirements. Would you like to receive a certificate, double-counting or verification? Then a designated body will use an audit to determine that your organization does indeed fully meet these rules. DEKRA’s experts conduct these audits and report their findings. The audit forms the basis for proving to your customers and (future) partners that you operate in accordance with circular guidelines.