Certification of charging station interoperability
A Combined Charging System (CCS) offers electric car (EV) users the best charging experience. CharIN (Charging Interface Initiative) is a non-profit organization making CCS the global standard in EV charging infrastructure. The idea is to enhance the interoperability of charging stations and EVs, all to give the user a reliable, easy and smooth charging experience. DEKRA has many years of experience in testing all aspects of EV charging infrastructure. As such, we are one of only two bodies in the world accredited by CharIN to carry out conformity testing. We invite you to benefit from our expertise in testing and certifying your charging stations.
Interoperability means that charging stations and EVs can connect to each other even if they are from different manufacturers. Charging stations and EVs can both be tested for CharIN certification. CharIN has more than 300 members worldwide, all involved in one way or another with
including car manufacturers, charging station manufacturers and network operators.
CharIN and CCS 
CharIN is the organisation behind CCS. CCS is the European standard EV charging connector based on direct current (DC). Fast chargers use DC. Fast chargers have a CCS connector or a
connector. CHAdeMO is the Japanese standard and therefore widely used in Japanese cars. Most charging stations in Europe have a CCS connector and a CHAdeMO connector. A CCS plug allows charging with alternating current (AC) or DC using the same connector.
CharIN certification
DEKRA was among the first certifying bodies to be accredited for CharIN certification in 2021. The only other certifying body in the world is KERI of Korea. CharIN certification shows that you are compliant with the CCS standard. We can test your charging stations at the DEKRA laboratory in Arnhem. After testing, we will report our findings and let you know whether you qualify for CharIN certification. Our report will spell out any deficiencies that we find, so you can take targeted remedial action. Following retesting of certain aspects, certification can then be obtained.
Certification by DEKRA 
- Share in our expertise. DEKRA has almost 100 years of experience in the automotive industry and testing of electrical and mechanical safety.
- Our laboratory in Arnhem is a fully equipped testing centre for everything automotive. We have facilities, for instance, that can simulate EVs and charging stations.
- We also test communication standards, such as CharIN, CHAdeMO, OCPP and V2G (vehicle to grid).
- Combining certification for these standards with certification for other norms and standards is possible.
- We continue to invest to support new developments in the marketplace. For instance, V2G testing, higher capacities and climate-controlled zones for electric trucks.
If you would like to have a product tested for CharIN certification, please get in touch. Our specialists are always happy to help.