ATEX Zone 20 (dust)

Optimizing explosion safety in ATEX Zone 20

In an environment with an explosive atmosphere, we refer to an ATEX environment. In these areas, specific European directives apply to minimize the risk of an explosion. The areas are divided into different ATEX zones, each with its own risks and corresponding regulations according to the ATEX 153 (workplace) and ATEX 114 (products) directives. There are a total of six different ATEX zones; three gas zones and three dust zones. In this blog, we explain ATEX Zone 20, a dust zone..

The most dangerous dust zone

The different ATEX zones for dust are ATEX Zone 20, ATEX Zone 21 , and ATEX Zone 22. In ATEX Zone 20, the risk of explosions due to the presence of explosive dust is the highest. An explosive dust cloud is continually or frequently present in ATEX Zone 20 (more than 10% of the operating time). Here, a small spark, short circuit, or temperature rise can already cause an explosion. In the other two dust zones, the explosive mixture is less frequently present. Therefore, stricter safety requirements apply in ATEX Zone 20 than in Zones 21 and 22. Environments that fall under ATEX Zone 20 can include silos or tanks.

Requirements in ATEX Zone 20

To ensure the safety of employees/visitors and protect the company's environment, various measures must be taken in an ATEX zone. Because ATEX Zone 20 is the most hazardous dust zone, stringent equipment requirements apply. An explosive atmosphere is continually or for a long period present in this zone.
Risk reduction is approached in the following order:
1. Replace
2. Avoid
3. Protect.
First, as many explosive substances as possible should be replaced with other substances. Then, explosions must be prevented as much as possible through technical and organizational measures. Finally, the consequences of explosions can be minimized through protective equipment, emergency plans, fire doors, etc. By replacing hazardous substances and/or limiting explosions, an ATEX Zone 20 environment can also be reduced to an ATEX Zone 21 or 22.

Using equipment in ATEX Zone 20

Equipment used in ATEX Zone 20 must meet specific requirements set out in ATEX 114. This directive describes exactly what these products must comply with to be safely used in an explosive zone. If a device is certified according to this directive, it must bear the "Ex-logo."
DEKRA offers comprehensive services to help you meet your ATEX obligations. We can assess whether you are ATEX-compliant and prepare a detailed explosion safety document. Moreover, we have extensive testing capabilities as a notified body. Want to know more about explosion safety and ATEX Zone 20?
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