FAQ about SERMI certification at DEKRA.

Find your answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding SERMI certification here.

SERMI, the new anti-theft certification, is a relatively new concept for many individuals working in the automotive industry. We can understand that you may have some questions about this certification. Below, you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about SERMI certification. We recommend reviewing this information thoroughly first. If you still require more information, please feel free to contact us via email or phone.
Independent automotive-, collision-, repair-, and camper companies will soon require a SERMI certificate (Security Related Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information) for key and programming work on parts related to theft prevention. This includes keys, ignition and door locks, and the ECU (Electronic Control Unit). SERMI is the new anti-theft certificate that replaces all individual brand certificates that were previously required.
Is SERMI legally required?
Is SERMI only applicable to work on theft prevention-related software and hardware?
Do I need to gather all information before submitting an application to DEKRA?
What are the costs of SERMI certification?
What should I fill in for the VOG application?
Do I need SERMI as a brand dealer?
What do I need for the declarations?
How do I use the SERMI certificate?
What obligations do I have as a company (IO/RSS) after SERMI certification?
What obligations do I have as an employee (IOe/RSSe) after SERMI certification?
What are the requirements for documenting security-related RMI transactions?
What points are checked during the on-site inspection?
Do you have sufficient information, and would you like to start your SERMI certification? Request a non-binding quote directly here.